Dallas Property Management Blog

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Rental Property Management Business Greener

Fort Worth property managersThe buzz word is green. Almost everywhere we hear about “going green”. Even if you don’t always eat granola or drive a hybrid car, you will agree that being environmentally responsible is a good idea. Responsible property management in Fort Worth TX could include changing a few habits around the office that help the environment. Here are just a few of many ideas that can be used right now to make an office, or home, more environmentally conscious.


— Light Bulbs

Check what types of lighting your office is using. LED lights use so much less energy and last longer than other types of light bulbs. It may seem like an expensive swap at first, but changing fluorescent and incandescent lights for LED is a wise investment for Fort Worth property managers to consider. Not just an energy choice, LEDs don’t contain mercury or toxic gases found in other types of bulbs.


–Ditch the plastic water bottle

Millions of tons of plastic waste is thrown away every year. Some of this waste can be avoided by replacing plastic water bottles in your office. Installing a water filtration system is a great way to save on water bottles. Your water may even be fresher and taste better. Now property management in Fort Worth TX can solve some of the world’s biggest problems with those conversations around the water cooler.


–Choose green vendors

Anything from paper, cleaning supplies, or other office supplies, consider buying for vendors and companies that offer green options and supplies. This could be natural soaps in your rest rooms or using products made from recycled materials. Supporting other companies concerned with the environment is a way to show your Fort Worth property manager’s green intents.


–What paper are you using

Much of our lives is now paperless, but paper is still necessary in an office setting. Look for PCW (post-consumer waste) paper options. This type of paper is made completely from paper that has been placed in a recycle bin.


–Look at your computer

It is easy to just walk away from your computer and have it ready to go the next day. A simple thing of putting your computer to sleep when not in use can save an average of $30 a year per computer and will use less energy.

Fort Worth property managers can do just a few seemingly small office changes that can have bigger environment effects in the long run. Every little caring act towards the planet we live on is great.

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